Warehouse Stage 3- Building Materials

Warehouse 3- Building Materials Warehouse

      This warehouse building will be used to construct the building materials at the plantation. The raw materials will enter the north side of the building and will there be sorted and stored until it is needed. The northeast corner will house a bathroom and next to that will be the storage racks. Along the west wall will be a two presses, one of which will contain dyes to form corrugated roofing products and the other will contain dyes to form flat panel products. This side of the warehouse will also have table saws that will be used to trim products as they exit the press. On the east wall, a number of workstations will be used to prepare the raw materials before they go to the presses. There will also be a enclosed room on the east wall that will allow workers to paint or stain products as desired.

            This building will be constructed with a series of concrete columns with a ring beam around the top. The infill will be masonry blocks between the columns. The roof will be a simple truss with purlins spanning the space between the trusses which will support a thick thatch roofing.

Warehouse 3- Building Materials Warehouse

Warehouse 3- Building Materials Warehouse
Floor Plan