
School Perspective

The banana plantation is more than just a farm; it is a place to instruct the workers on how to utilize all possible products from the banana and bamboo plants. This will require a school of some kind in order to teach the people all that they need to know about the different products.
            The school will start off as a small, three classroom facility. This will be plenty of space for the workers to be taught during the first few phases of the plantations existence. Once the plant begins to grow, it will act as a model for additional classrooms that may be needed.
            The building’s structure will come as a series of concrete columns with a concrete ring beam placed around their tops. Between the columns will be an infill of masonry blocks coated it white stucco. The roof will be a simple, flat, concrete slab. Tall, slender openings will be placed in the wall opposite the entry door to allow light to flow into the space.
            This building will have simple, open spaces that will allow for 20-30 students within each classroom.
School Floor Plan