Warehouse Stage 2- Textile

Warehouse Stage 2-Section

        The textile warehouse is designed to take the basic fiber production that is completed in the initial processing plant and turn them into a usable ans sustainable product. These range fom fibers, yarns, rugs, clothes, and anything else you can think of using cloth for.

        From the basic processing fibers this plant will use spinning technology to create yarn, which is used for clothing and cloth. From here the plant will produce cloth using a loom. These processes will happen in the Northern portion of the warehouse.

         From the cloth stage there will be a series of work station where the cloth can be turned into a sustainable, handmade, and fairtrade product. These products will then be sold on the fairtrade market, as well as being used on the plantation.
Warehouse Stage 2- Courtyard Rendering

        Some of the products will be made to a very high demand. Inner banana fiber has the same properties of silk, but is more durable. This makes it perfect for making silky rugs, and durable silky clothing. In doing so there will be a very high cash crop textile product.

        Outside of these types of products. The factories spinning machines will be used to create a twine like material out of the rough bark fibers which can be used as a filler for the transparent composite which will be unique to the plantation.
 Warehouse Stage 2- Textile